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- exemplary devotion -

Society gone amuck and on the brink of delirium as foretold in the scriptures. And because of the increase of lawlessness, the love of many will grow cold (Matthew 24:12). As the world spirals into chaos, which shatters the stability of our fragile existence. Unfortunately, these judgments are worse or could be eased somewhat through intercessory prayer. As the spirit of lawlessness isn't being challenged by the majority of Christian disciples. A prayer of faith against pestilence and other disruptions of nature. Moreover, the various social programs are impacted beyond their ability. And if those days had not been cut short, no one would be saved, but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short (Matthew 24:22). And so today, an opportunity for the people of faith to rise and shine in the heart of God's steadfast love. On putting aside the indifference of society. A unique Spirit-led gift of discernment for these estranged times and fresh wind of revival as on a blaze of glory. The realtime action of helping one-another through these days.

- reasonable service -


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Glorious Sways


© 2024 ¶

biblestudy   saxplayer   worship

Spotlight: A limitless measure of faithfulness is encouraged within the scriptures and would…

Gospel Crier: The power and glory of the gospel message are clearly established throughout…

Demystify: The increase of lawlessness and other global disorders challenging society are…

Showtime: Society gone amuck and on the brink of delirium as foretold in the scriptures. And because…

Glorious Sways: The gospel needs an infusion of that old-time message once again…

Emergence: An unalloyed witness and incredible magnificence of El-Shaddai's benevolence…

Turnabout: The beginning of civilization was viewed by the angels with complete awe…

Ready Set Go: Look, I will tell you a mystery and again in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye







Quicktime: The quickening of God's Spirit upon a disciple of faith, would have its true beginning…

Sure-fire: A spiritually gifted endowment upon the disciples are already given and…

Truth or Dare: The elegance of El-Shaddai's winsome reality is overshadowed by an…

Ready or Not: The signal of the clarion trumpeter’s rally call are echoing within the…

Cryptic Sways: A sullen heartbeat of emotion prevails these days. As for others, an oblivious…

Edge of Glory: The splendid opportunity for a Christian disciple to shine. As an old time…

Experiential: To talk about unseen entities or invisible workings of the netherworld would be…

Spiralling: It seems more-so plausible and pretentious for people to dodge the subject…